The Place to Buy, Sell, Trade, and Consign

Estate Jewelry & Diamonds & Watches

St Louis Estate

"All of Our Customers receive the same Courtesy, Respect and Professionalism, whether they are Buying, Selling, Trading, Repairing or Appraising."

Leo Anglo, General Manager


Your Best Jeweler
Gold Buying Team

"All of Our Customers receive the same Courtesy, Respect and Professionalism, whether they are Buying, Selling, Trading, Repairing or Appraising."


This statement is the true philosophy that has driven us for more than 27 years.   This statement was derived from Our General Manager, Leo Anglo when describing the importance of every customer of every walk of life for every Jewelry need they may have.  


This philosophy is integrated into every aspect of our operation, foremost through the owner, management and staff of Vincent's Jewelers.  We hold firm to the belief that "you are only as good as your staff," and strive to hire and cultivate employees with a strong work ethic who will convey our philosophy. The staff has over 250 years of combined experience, Wwth and average of more than 10 years of tenure with Vincent's Jewelers.   Insuring that you will see the same experieinced faces over and over aggain.

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